• Harmony Union is accepting applications for in district transitional kindergarten for students who turn 4 by September 1

    Accepting applications for in district kindergarten for students who turn 5 between June 3 and September 1


    For out of district families, we invite you to fill out an application to be placed on our wait list.  Once we have determined if there is room in the class for out of district placements, we will notify those on the list and hold a lottery for any open spots.  Lottery date is TBD.  For more information on the Interdistrict Transfer process, please visit here: Interdistrict Transfer Information



    Year 2024-25: Currently taking interdistrict transfer applications for the following grades: 4,5,7 and 8


    Year 2025-2026: Currently taking interdistrict transfer applications for the following grades: 4, 5, 6, 8



Required Documents for Registration

  • In order to register and enroll your student, the following documents are required-any missing documents will cause delays in registration:

    Birth Certificate

    Immunization Record

    Proof of in district residency- 2 documents with physical address listed at the time of registration (po boxes listed as addresses will not be accepted).   Additional address verification may be done throughout the year.

    Registration Form


    You can scan and email the required documents to enrollment@harmonyusd.org

    If you have any questions, please email enrollment@harmonyusd.org or call the front office: 707-874-1205.


    Not sure if your address is in our school district?  Please check here:

    District Lookup Page


    If you do not live within the district boundaries, please see Interdistrict Transfer Information.