- Harmony Union School District
- Health Services
Student Services
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Emergency Contact Information
Please ensure that the contact information for your student is current and in working order. You can do so by accessing the Schoolwise Parent Portal. This needs to be updated at the beginning of every school year, and any time the information changes. it is important to have more than one contact in case we are unable to reach you.
It is also important that the medical and allergy information is current for your student. if warranted, the nurse's office will contact you to create a care plan for your student. This is especially important for students with food allergies, medication allergies, bee sting allergies, chronic illness or student's who need to take medication during the school day. Any student who requires an Epi Pen for allergies must have a care plan on file.
When to stay home
Please keep your student home if they:
- have had a fever over 100 degrees within 24 hours of the school day
- fever has not gone away without the use of fever reducing medications ie: Tylenol, ibuprofen
- have had instances of vomiting or diarrea within 24 hours of the school day
If your student becomes ill during the school day
if your students becomes ill during the school day, we will contact you or someone you designate to come pick them up.
We cannot give any medications to students without written instructions from a doctor and permission from a parent or guardian. This includes tylenol, advil, motrin, aleve, acetominephen, ibuprofen, any allergy or any cold medications. This also includes any herbal or homeopathic remedies.
Please do not send your child to school with medications or remedies in their backpacks or pockets, or to leave with the office. If a student is found with a medication or remedy or brings it to the office, you will be contacted to come pick it up.
Covid Information
Head Lice